Dental Health
Routine dental care that protects your pet against disease!
Routine dental care that protects your pet against disease!
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Just like us, our pet's teeth require routine care to keep them healthy. 85% of adult dogs and cats have dental disease! It is the most common health problem facing our pets today, and few pet owners even know what signs to look for.
Routine at home care of the teeth can significantly delay the onset and progression of dental disease. It is best to start your at home dental care plan when your pet is young, when they adapt easier to new routines and don't have dental disease yet.You should brush you pet's teeth regularly. Most veterinary clinics sell pet specific toothbrushes and toothpaste. Do not use human toothpaste on your pets because of the fluoride content. The trick to successfully brushing your pet's teeth, is to start with a little peanut butter or something yummy on the toothbrush and allow your pet to lick it while you gently touch their teeth and gums. Make the sessions short and fun. Brush your pet's teeth regularly. Dental diets and chews are also helpful in slowing the progression of dental disease.When tartar and plaque build up, it is time to have your pet's teeth professionally cleaned. Dental cleanings are a very common and safe procedure at Scottsville Animal Hospital.
Ask the doctors or technicians to explain the process to you if you have any concerns!